The New Lenox Chamber wants to help your business prosper!
We offer a variety of marketing opportunities throughout the year to gain valuable, cost-effective exposure for your business.
Free with Membership:
Event Calendar
Post your events, seminars, open houses, etc. to the Chamber calendar.
Community Welcome Packets
We’ll include your flyer, menu, coupon, etc. in the Chamber’s Welcome Packets. These packets are distributed to the New Lenox Community through the Chamber and Village offices.
Hot Deals
Do you have a promotion or special you want to share with the Community? Post it on the Chamber’s website. We also share these monthly on the Chamber’s Facebook & Twitter for extra exposure!
Member-to-Member Discounts
Share a special offer or discount with your fellow Chamber Members via the Member’s Only section of the Chamber’s website or check out great deals you can receive from other members.
Business After Hours Host
Open your doors to the Chamber Membership and showcase your business by hosting a Business After Hours! BAH events are typically held on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Call the Chamber at 815.485.4241 for availability.
Business After Hours Attendee
Attend the monthly events and connect with other members to build relationships, generate new contacts and engage with potential customers.
Business Card Display
Business owners and community members come into the Chamber office looking for referrals. Provide us with your business cards to include in our display and we’ll make sure they have your information, whether they need it today, next week or next month.
Additional Marketing Opportunities:
Program Sponsorship
The Chamber hosts various events and programs throughout the year. Sponsorship opportunities are specific to each event. For details or questions about a specific event, contact the Chamber at 815.485.4241 or visit
Boulevard Banners
Each year Chamber Members have the opportunity to purchase a Boulevard Banner. These 6 ft tall banners are displayed on light poles along Rt. 30 from for a full calendar year. Sales typically begin in late summer. Call the Chamber at 815.485.4241 for pricing.
Website Rotating Banner Ads
Rotating Banner Ads appear on the Chamber’s homepage. Get your ad in the rotation!
Cost: $30/month or $300/year
Website Featured Business
Your logo featured on Chamber’s homepage for the entire community to see. These logos are clickable and will link to your preferred webpage. **LIMITED AVAILABILITY**
Cost: $50/month
Facebook Featured Business
Your logo will be the pinned post on Chamber’s Facebook for the entire community to see. The post also includes your business address, phone and website.
Cost: $25/week
Quarterly Mailbag
Each quarter the Chamber’s mailbag goes out to 320+ Chamber Members. Provide us with your business’ flyer, postcard, coupon, etc. and we will include it in the mailbag!
Mailing Dates: Q1 - February 15 / Q2 - May 15 / Q3 - August 15 / Q4 - November 15
Cost: $100 - business provides copies / $135 - Chamber prints color copies
Member Spotlight eBlast
Exclusive to one business per week, the Chamber will send an eBlast out to 550+ Chamber Member contacts featuring your business’ ad, flyer, coupon or description. These eBlasts are clickable and will link to your preferred webpage. We also share your offer/ad on the Chamber’s Facebook for extra exposure! We will also share to our IG story.
Cost: $50